Business Bytes: 7 deskercises you can try at work

It’s no secret that sitting at a desk all day is bad for our mood and health, and whilst in most jobs it’s unavoidable, there are things you can do to reduce the risks and keep active. 

Deskercise is just one way to burn off calories and improve your mood at the same time. Here’s a few ideas to try out during your working day…

1. Twinkle toe

Using the office bin, lift your legs up (one at a time) and tap the edge of the bin with your foot. Keep alternating feet whilst stood up.

2. Quick jog

Need a little break from spreadsheets? Get out of the chair and do a bit of jogging on the spot for 5 minutes. Bring those legs up if you’re looking for a harder work out.

3. Standing 

So, this isn’t an exercise, but even just standing for parts of the day will help to lessen the risks brought on by sitting. Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease are just a few of the risks you’ll be helping to avoid by taking a meeting standing up.

4. The seated leg raiser

While seated, straighten one or both legs and hold in place for five or more seconds. Then lower the legs back to the ground without letting the feet touch the floor.

Repeat (alternating legs if raising them separately). For an even harder work out, strap a briefcase or handbag over your ankle. 

5. The silent squeeze

For a more discreet exercise, try out these silent buttock clenches. To begin toning and uplifting your gluts, simply squeeze the buttocks together for 5-10 seconds and repeat.

6. Calf raises

Got a little bit of spare time whilst printing, scanning or shredding? Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, press up onto your tip-toes, pause for a few seconds and lower back down. Repeat and even try one leg at a time for extra muscle building. 

7. The shoulder-shrug

This one’s not recommended for board meetings, unless you’re really on the fence…Raise both shoulders up towards your ears, hold for 10 seconds, drop back down and repeat. 

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