Nottingham life sciences firm breaks through £1m export barrier

Dr Richard Weaver

Nottingham-based leading life sciences firm XenoGesis has reported a 78% increase in its exports from last year, with half of its revenue now coming from overseas.

In the financial year ending March 2019, 50% (£1.25m) of all the BioCity-based firm’s revenue came from overseas clients, with its largest markets being in Europe.

XenoGesis’ international client base also includes the USA, South Africa and New Zealand.

Richard Weaver, founder and chief executive of XenoGesis, said: “The international growth we have seen highlights the attractive proposition the UK has to offer, whether it is a lack of expertise locally in overseas markets or the wealth of scientific knowledge and expertise in the UK, we are definitely seeing a marked increase in international businesses turning to us for advice and support.

“We have seen significant growth in the USA market and also in Europe as a whole, and hope to build on our client base and continue working with businesses across these markets, as well as in other thriving target areas such as the Nordic countries.”
