Manchester Masters returns

ONCE again the search is on for businesses that want to work with creative graduate talent in Manchester, following last year’s successful pilot of the Manchester Masters scheme.

The initiative, which proved hugely popular with both graduates and businesses when trialed last year, will see 10 more graduates working in creative roles for four separate businesses in a year.

The chosen graduates from Manchester’s universities will spend three months in each company working in PR, advertising, media, digital and design roles.

Businesses  pay £1,500 for a three month graduate placement, with the scheme funding the rest of the graduate’s £9,000 tax free salary. Graduates will also receive the free use of a city centre flat and undertake a Masters degree at MMU Business School.

A wide range of Manchester companies got involved with last year’s scheme including JW Lees, Deloitte, Ravensoft, Pets at Home, Amaze, and MediaCom North.

Fran Kohlisch, a student from MMU, was one of last year’s lucky ten. She said: “Many of the people I graduated with are struggling to get jobs, but I have opportunities to show four firms what I can do.”

Software development company Ravensoft, based at Manchester Science Park, was one firm that took part in last year’s trial.

Dr Chris Byrne, head of operations and strategy for Ravensoft, said: “We wanted to work with someone who could think on their feet and who came into the company with lots of fresh ideas and Fran proved to be the ideal candidate.”

Last year, three of the 10 winners were MMU students, with five from the University of Manchester and one from Salford University.

Sandy Lindsay, project director and managing director of PR agency Tangerine, said: “With the recession making it tough for graduates to find work, Manchester Masters offers a real opportunity for individuals to develop and tailor their skills to help them secure the top jobs in the region.

“By taking part in Manchester Masters, graduates gain practical experience and further their educational training, while also receiving mentoring from some of the most-respected professionals within the creative industry.”

The programme is the result of a collaboration between private businesses within Manchester and public sector bodies including MMU, the Northwest Regional Development Agency, NESTA and Innovation Manchester.

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