Kuits’ Levy appointed to international network board

ROBERT Levy, executive partner at Manchester law firm Kuits, has been appointed to the advisory board of international legal network TAGLaw.

Mr Levy joins attorneys from around the world on the advisory board of the organisation headquartered in St Petersburg, Florida.

He said: “One of the major benefits of being a member in TAGLaw is the ability for our firm to refer client matters to other members with complete confidence.

“This is due in part to the advisory board’s involvement in the approval process of prospective member firms. I look forward to joining my fellow members on the advisory board and continuing to be an ambassador for all that is great about TAGLaw.”

Robert Sattin, president of TAGLaw said: “Board members have to be experienced in the practice of law, knowledgeable about TAGLaw and sophisticated in their understanding of the global economy. We’re thrilled to have Robert lending his insight and perspective.”

Mr Levy is the only UK lawyer on the advisory board. Others are from Luxembourg, Estonia, The Philippines,, US, Canada, Panama and Belgium.

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