8 ways to secure a promotion

Everyone wants a promotion at some stage in their career, whether for the money, the status or the success. Today, workers must work hard if they expect to climb the career ladder, instead of waiting until it becomes your turn.

1. Build a relationship

A study found that in four out of five promotions, those promoted had a mentoring relationship with someone higher in the company who helped spread the good word about their achievements.

Whilst some companies have formal mentoring programs, others do not but there are still ways you can build relationships with people in higher positions in the company. Mentors can also be great sources for information and career guidance.

2. Record your success

While promotions are not always based on your performance, you can certainly make a much better case for a promotion by showing detailed records about previous successes.

Keep a record of everything you do that enhances the company’s bottom line, that puts the company or your department in a good light, that is creative and innovative or that shows your loyalty and commitment to the organisation.

If you have had major accomplishments, make sure people know about them – especially the people doing the promoting. Sell yourself and let employers know that you are seeking a promotion.

3. New skills

It goes without saying that one of the best ways to succeed in getting a promotion is to expand your knowledge and skill sets in areas that are critical to the organization. As technology and other environmental forces change rapidly, you need an ever-increasing skill set not only to perform your job, but to stay marketable.

Experts also suggest that employees who want to get ahead should not only keep current with industry news and events, but also pay attention to trends and events outside their specialty.

4. Professionals get promoted

Earn a reputation for being dependable, professional, and cooperative. Act and look the part by dressing professionally even on casual Fridays. Stay positive and keep your complaints to yourself.

5. Embrace the business and its employees

The more people that know you, know your strengths and abilities, the more likely your name will be discussed when opportunities arise.

An added benefit of networking is that you will learn much more about the company if you network with people in other areas of the organisation.

6. Ask for more

Volunteering to help out other departments or teams, or simply asking for more responsibilities in your own role increases your value within the organisation. Asking for more work shows your interest and desire to help your department and company to succeed

7. Play as a team

Because so much of work is now accomplished through teams, departmental or cross-functional, it becomes even more important to share successes with your team and to avoid pointing the finger when there are failures.

By being a team player, you will build your reputation and increase your value to the organisation.

8. Get creative

After studying the needs and challenges of the organisation, you may see an area that has been neglected or could be improved. Write a proposal for a new role which you could fill will show the company how committed you are to helping them.

And even if the company does not opt for the new position, you have again shown your initiative, creativity and value to the firm and that can only help you the next time you request a promotion.


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