Do you need a career change?

Not every career path will satisfy you professionally, and it could be that you’re sat at your desk not knowing if this job is right for you, in most cases if you think that, it probably is time for a change of career. However there are other signs to look out for. 

1. You’re apathetic 

We all have days when we just want to be on holiday or at home but this is often fixed by having a good night’s sleep or talking it over with your partner.  

But when you start operating on autopilot and constantly wishing you were somewhere else, it’s a definite sign that a change is in order.

If you find yourself not caring about what you do in your current role, consider a career that you would be able to fully invest yourself in, whether that means starting your own business, working to a larger cause or finding a more challenging profession. 

2. You lack energy 

Most of us have to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning, but if you feel tired and depleted before, during and after work, alarm bells should be ringing. 

But before you look into a complete change of career, firstly figure out exactly what it is what makes you feel exhausted and bored. Factors like a long commute, annoying colleagues or a demanding boss can be changed, but if it’s the tasks themselves that are draining you, a new career could be just the thing to get you going again. 

3. You’re jealous

Jealousy is a key sign when it comes to needing a new career, especially when you’re often feeling envious of people who are in a profession they enjoy. Not only will this feeling tell you you’re in the wrong job, but it will also guide you in the right direction. 

If you’re feeling jealous of a friend who’s an interior designer, it could be because you like certain aspects of the job or maybe even the profession itself.

However, not every slow day or jealous twinge should be taken as a sign to throw your career out the window. Studies show that something as simple as spending your lunch hour doing what you want can have a dramatic impact on how you feel about your career. 

Only when you feel constantly exhausted, apathetic, or bitter about someone else’s career accomplishments should you consider changing career. 
