Green light for 207-home modular village

CGI of the proposed homes (HTA Design LLP)

Plans to create a sizeable new development of modular homes off Thane Road at the Boots Alliance campus have been given the go-ahead by Nottingham City Council’s planning committee after being unanimously voted through.

The plans, submitted by GraceMachin Planning & Property on behalf of Ilke Homes Land, pertain to the residential quarter of the wider site redevelopment.

The scheme will consist of 207 homes, including 96 houses and 111 apartments, which will be constructed at Ilke’s factory in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire prior to their installation at the site.

The development is expected to cover 17.6 hectares of land within the Boots Enterprise Zone on the boundary between Nottingham and Broxtowe Borough.

Outline planning permission for a huge mixed-use scheme at the campus was conditionally approved back in December 2014 before being granted in July last year.

Plans for the landmark scheme include some 82,000 sq m of employment, R&D, industrial and distribution space, around 2,500 sq m of retail and hospitality space, up to 675 residential units and a raft of associated infrastructure.

A design and access statement accompanying Ilke’s proposals reads: “The Residential Quarter will be designed as a new green and distinctive place to live by the edge of Beeston canal. The health and wellbeing legacy from Boots will be reinterpreted to deliver healthy lifestyle opportunities, and the local heritage will be referenced to create place identities, character and cohesion.

“Boots has a long history as a philanthropic organisation, and in the spirit of this the Residential Quarter site in the Enterprise Zone presents an opportunity to create a ‘model village’ for healthy living. This is a place where people will want to settle and stay, with close ties to the employment community on site and to shared facilities.”

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