
Role within Archimedia Accounts

I founded Archimedia Accounts 17 years ago and have grown and expanded the business to be the success it is today through local networking and business referrals.

A key aspect of my role involves spending time with a client to understand what motivates and inspires them, not just from a business point of view but personally, too. This allows me to assess and improve their overall financial position and wealth.

My primary role within Archimedia revolves around conducting tax reviews. By having quarterly tax reviews with clients, I can ensure that they stay on top of tax savings, optimise their tax obligations and never pay more than necessary.

Industry Experience and Qualifications

I completed my accountancy and tax qualifications with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) over 30 years ago and have since maintained my commitment to continuous professional development.

Over the course of more than 30 years, I have successfully run several businesses and invested in commercial and residential property. My extensive expertise in taxation and property has contributed to improving the overall wealth of many of our clients at Archimedia.

My passion lies in assisting our clients and their families in improving and reaching their financial goals.