£250m food park to be built in Yorkshire
A £250m visitor attraction which will create 1,000 jobs and bring an estimated 3.5m visitors each year is to built near Harrogate.
The food and leisure attraction will be called Future Park and was unveiled at the MIPIM conference in the South of France.
Developers Fallons are behind the scheme and will be landlords of the attraction, which will be the first of its kind in the UK.
Fallons has been working with Italian firm Eataly on the project and the new attraction will be similar to one already operating in Bolgna.
Fallons own the proposed site and will carry out the construction work and once it is up and running the attraction will be operated by Eataly.
The scheme is being described as a food agri park and a planning application is expected to be submitted in June.
The firm is looking too start construction work in 18 months’ time with the park due to open for business in 2022. Around 1,000 people will work on the construction of the site.
The site in Bologna has been open for just over 12 months and attracted more than two million visitors in the first year.
The park will be located over 188 hectares of land and will deliver include 160,000 square metres of commercial, leisure and retail land.
It will be located next to the A1 and is within the Leeds City Region.
British food and produce will be at the heart of the retail park with a focus on the environment.
It will aim to be the most sustainable venue of its size in the UK.
Fallons are one of the UK’s leading developers of mixed used in the UK and have been operating for around 50 years.
The firm specialises in major infrastructure projects such as motorways and energy projects.
The project is being supported by the North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership.