MoneyPlus closes legal division

The MoneyPlus offices

MoneyPlus Group, the Manchester-based consumer debt advisory business has shut down its legal arm MoneyPlus Legal.

Anthony Collier and Simon Farr of FRP Advisory Trading Limited were appointed Joint Liquidators of the Company in November 2023, and the business was duly liquidated. Meaning that MoneyPlus Legal can longer deal with any claims against debt providers.

Chris Davis

Chris Davis, chief executive at MoneyPlus Group, who was featured in a longer interview on earlier this month, said: “MoneyPlus Legal was a smaller part of our 170-strong employee business that unfortunately hadn’t been performing as well as we had anticipated.” 

He said that the two employees of the division have moved into other roles within MoneyPlus Group, one as a consultant of the firm, having had support from our team to find another role with an external organisation, which they started not long after MoneyPlus Legal wrapped up.”

The business was hoping to take commissions from successful claims against banks over Payment Protection Insurance, following a court ruling that opened up a wave of PPI2 claims in 2021.

Davis added: “All clients and pending legal cases have since been transitioned to another firm, ensuring that no clients have been negatively impacted.” 

Any litigation that the business has started on behalf of a client have been passed over to another firm, Sandstone Legal, who handle cases where people have been incorrectly approved for a loan or financial product they couldn’t afford.
