Investment for software business that seeks to reset landlord tenant relations
Two young entrepreneurs from the North West have secured investment into their property management company which aims to revolutionise the relationship between landlord and tenant.
Tolulope Arobieke, of Manchester, and Kenneth Coffie, of Liverpool receives a $500K cash boost from investor Andreas Ioannou to develop their company Togetha.
The duo, who met when they were students at the University of Chester, have developed software which streamlines all facets of property management – from seamless tenant communication and prompt maintenance requests to hassle-free rent collection and financial tracking.
Tolulope Arobieke, who received the High Sheriff of Cheshire Young Business Person of the Year Award in 2023 as a founder and director of independent lettings agency Yourgaff, said: “Our personal experience of the rental market as students and young professionals felt impersonal and unconnected. Togetha creates a platform for both landlord and tenant to have a free and open relationship, reducing costs and hassle for property owners and managers and creating a safe space for the people who live in their properties.”
Andreas Ioannou, COO of Goliverse, said: “Investing in Togetha, led by Tolulope and Kenneth, reflects our belief in their vision to revolutionise UK property management, benefiting both tenants and landlords.
“Their innovative strategy aims to transform the sector into a community of trust, transparency, and mutual respect. This venture transcends traditional business, marking a movement towards a more equitable property ecosystem.”
Endorsing Togetha founders Tolulope and Kenneth, he added: “I see leaders poised to redefine property management and elevate industry standards.
“Our investment in Togetha is a commitment to a transformative journey, promising a new era of excellence in the UK property market.”
Tolulope Arobieke added: “I hope this encourages other young people with a great idea to seize opportunities and take the plunge to become the next generation of great entrepreneurs.”