Utilities group acquires overhead power lines contractor

Stockport-based utilities contractor, OCU Group, has acquired Nettworx and Power Grid Plant – collectively Nettworx – for an undiclosed sum.

Nettworkx is a specialist overhead lines contractor with operational depots in Northern Ireland, Northeast Scotland and Southern England.

The acquisition enhances OCU’s engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) capabilities, particularly in the domain of overhead powerlines.

Nettworx provides a range of services to aid overhead line operators plan, build, commission and maintain Low Voltage, High Voltage and Extra High Voltage transmission and distribution systems.

With more than 300,000km of overhead powerlines in the UK involved in transmission and distribution of the UK’s energy, there is significant demand for leading design, supply, construction and maintenance solutions.

The acquisition brings together a significant number of overhead lines specialists from both companies, to address a known shortfall of overhead lines personnel, strengthening OCU’s ability to deliver workforce expansion and enhanced skill sets.

Michael Hughes, CEO of OCU Group, said: “This acquisition is a key initiative in OCU’s strategy to be a leader in the UK regulated power and energy transition markets. Nettworx’s expertise in power lines complements our existing services, enabling us to offer a more comprehensive suite of solutions to our clients. Our combined capabilities will step up the innovation and service delivery we offer in the UK’s energy transition activity.”

Vince Bowler, COO of OCU Energy, said: “The energy market has a growing appetite for talent and the demand for skilled and experienced professionals in this sector has never been higher.

“OCU Group is focused on the development of this key resource and has heavily invested in a number of strategic and key initiatives to attract and develop a diverse pipeline of talent. Incorporating Nettworx elevates our capability, opening advanced training paths for our early-career talent, fast-tracking their evolution into leading energy transition engineers.”

Declan Hamill, Nettworx managing director, said: “Becoming a part of OCU Group represents an exciting new chapter for Nettworx. Our combined expertise and resources better position us to address the complex challenges and opportunities in the energy sector, especially in the critical area of overhead powerlines.”

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