£13m funding confirmed to develop pioneering innovation hub

Cllr Williamson and Cllr Riggott

A new innovation hub to boost collaboration in key sectors has been announced by Lancashire County Council.

The proposed hub, at the Samlesbury Enterprise Zone, will drive productivity benefits and innovation, especially in digital, cyber, advanced manufacturing, energy and aerospace sectors, building on existing and emerging strengths in the county.

The county council’s cabinet has agreed to provide £7.2m for the project. With this funding agreed, work will continue to confirm the proposals, so that an implementation plan can be put in place.

This new circa 20,000 sq ft building would provide a mixture of private offices, collaboration space, events facilities and a café.

Cllr Phillippa Williamson, leader of Lancashire County Council, said: “The Innovation Hub facility will help to create momentum as a focal point for collaboration, as well as a place to catalyse innovation between the National Cyber Force, large industry partners, education institutions, agile businesses  and expert practitioners.

“This dynamic project aims to provide an adaptable space to encourage a range of business sectors to come together, which will benefit Lancashire through innovation, jobs and economic growth.”

The project is also supported by £6m of capital funding from the Lancashire County Combined Authority, providing a specific boost to the county from the newly in place devolution agreement.

Cllr Aidy Riggott, cabinet member for Economic Development and Growth, said: “Partners and representatives from key sectors have shown that there is a strong demand for high quality innovation facilities in this part of Lancashire. We’re pleased that we’ve now been able to add county council funding to  accelerate  this important project.

“Now that cabinet has agreed this funding, detailed design and planning proposals will be developed in the early part of this year.”
