More funding for Ellesmere Port after Assisted Area boost

BUSINESSES in the Ellesmere Port area will soon be able to access further funding to help them and the local economy grow.

The town has been granted Assisted Area status, which will unlock additional levels of financial support for economic development and inward investment through EU Regional Aid.
Assisted Area status will enable access to a greater level of funding from UK and European sources and will help to boost economic recovery and drive sustainable growth as well as provide the potential to attract new investment to the area. The government plans to implement the new guidelines in to UK legislation by July 2014.

The application for Ellesmere Port was led over the past six months by a joint effort from Cheshire & Warrington Enterprise Partnership, the Ellesmere Port Development Board and Cheshire West and Chester Council.

A key part of the bid’s success was Ellesmere Port’s evolving manufacturing infrastructure – which has experienced major changes since the 1980s.

The past few years has seen the town attract a raft of new businesses, secure major funding boosts, see key improvements works and create thousands of jobs.   
Robert Mee, chairman of Ellesmere Port Development Board said: “We have demonstrated our ability to attract inward investment and we will be working in partnership with businesses to ensure they understand the opportunities that Assisted Area status brings.”
Christine Gaskell, chair of Cheshire and Warrington Enterprise Partnership commented: “Cheshire and Warrington Enterprise Partnership has worked hard with our partners in the Department for Business and Innovation (BIS), Cheshire West and Chester Council, Ellesmere Port Development Board and the private sector to make a compelling case for Assisted Area status.
“This funding will help to attract new jobs and investment to the area and our priority is to work with our partners to ensure that local residents will also benefit from this funding.”
Cllr Mike Jones, leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council added: “It is our responsibility to maximise the prosperity and productivity of businesses in Ellesmere Port and Assisted Area status presents a real opportunity to do just that.
“The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills backed our claim because they believe that with it we can accelerate further success and we look forward to seeing the impact that the funding will have on Ellesmere Port and the surrounding area.”
