Clothes2order stepping up recruitment drive

EMPLOYEE numbers at workwear company Clothes2order have nearly doubled in the last 12 months.
The Trafford Park-based company has recently taken-on a further six people, taking its workforce to 53 – up from 28 a year ago.
Its latest recruitment has been for its production and online teams, while it has also created a direct sales force.
Clothes2order, which supplies clothing for uniforms, promotions and events, is predicting further expansion this year amid growing sales, and expects to take on another12 staff before the end of 2014.
Clients include hotels, pub and restaurant chains, retailers, tradesmen and technology firms, and range from start-ups to multi-national giants such as Google and Skype.
Managing director Michael Conway said: “The business is growing rapidly following significant investment over the past year in technology and equipment to enhance our product ranges, capacity and the service we provide to our customers.
“The latest additions mean our workforce has nearly doubled in the past 12 months and we will be recruiting further across our production, sales and marketing operations during the rest of this year.
“We are constantly seeking new routes to market, and the creation of a direct sales team takes us in a new strategic direction.”
Clothes2order is the fastest-growing part of Quayside Group, a £4.4m-turnover business which also runs a wholesale division.
Last autumn, Clothes2order produced its millionth customised uniform. Since then, the figure has rocketed to more than 1.4 million.