Liverpool FC considers apartments at rebuilt Anfield

LIVERPOOL Football Club is seeking permission to build apartments in an extended Anfield Road stand.
Last week the club submitted plans for the expansion of the stadium that will increase the seating from 45,500 to 58,500.
It wants detailed permission for work on the main stand, which will increase in size by 8,500 to 21,000, and outline planning for an extra 4,800 seats at Anfield Road.
But the application also details apartments in space that could also be for 12,500 sq ft of commercial uses on the fifth floor of the rebuilt Anfield Road end, overlooking the pitch, see right marked in blue.
The council’s planning portal said the application was for 80 apartments but has been told this is an error and should read eight.
Planning documents state the residential space would sit above seating on floors two, three and four. The reports, prepared by London architect KSS and Manchester-based planning adviser Turley, do not explain how the residential space would be used – whether it would be for sale, or let by the club.
But they do stress that there is currently “no programme” for the Anfield Road stand expansion.
“That development will be subject to further feasibility and financial modelling. Once LFC is satisfied that there is a sound business case to proceed with that part of the development an application for reserved matters for phase two will be submitted.”
In contrast, work on the main stand, which will also house the Hillsborough Memorial, is due to start early next year and be finished in time for the 2016-17 season.
No one at the club was available for comment.