alldayPA offers to take on unwanted Hibu staff

STAFF facing the axe from Yellow Pages company Hibu have been offered a possible job lifeline from Salford call answering service alldayPA.

More than 100 staff based at Hibu’s Manchester office by the Trafford Centre are in consultation as part of a cost cutting exercise at the company which will see the base closed later this year.

Now alldayPA, which has three sites in Salford, says it wants to meet those affected as it is keen to hire new staff.

Gareth Jeffrey, operations manager at alldayPA said: “As soon as alldayPA heard about the redundancies from hibu in the customer service and telesales teams, we instructed our solicitors to make a formal approach. We did this primarily to safeguard jobs in the Manchester and Trafford area and also because hibu has a great reputation for its staff training.

“alldayPA has been formally invited to a meeting on 27th August to discuss career opportunities at our company for those facing redundancy. In fact, we have already started receiving CVs.

“We’d like to hear from hibu staff from other offices too such as Glasgow or Manchester – we are simply interested in good people.”
