8 reasons why you should do a job that you love

They say “Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life” and it is true, is it healthy for us to work in a job that we hate? Many of us face pressure from family and peers, but we all need to learn that we shouldn’t settle for a career that just isn’t for us. If you’re beginning to struggle with getting up for work each day, check out these reasons why you should start again doing something you love.

1) You will feel valued
If you do a job that you love, you will feel much more valued and fulfilled among your colleagues. After all, when you like what you do and enjoy it every day, you will put in much more effort and feel like you are getting something out of it.

2) You will finish the day satisfied 
At the end of the day, you will probably still be exhausted, but in a satisfied way rather than a drained way. Instead of staring at the clock all day, you will have been putting in so much effort doing what you love that you won’t even notice the time.

3) You are much more productive

If you are engaged in your work, you will have a higher productivity rate. You will not dread doing what you do and therefore, will find it much easier to meet the challenges of the job.

4) Your mental health will improve

As you are doing something that you love doing, you will find more meaning and purpose to your life and be able to feel much more confident in yourself and your abilities.

5) You’re excited to tackle new challenges and want to push yourself
Instead of feeling under pressure to do something you don’t really want to do, you will look forward to new challenges and will be able to make easier decisions regarding them. You will want to push yourself and become the best version of yourself you can be.

6) Your career doesn’t feel like a chore
You will be able to get through the trials and tribulations of business if what you’re doing is something that you enjoy, as you will see it as another step in the right direction, rather than a burden.

7) You will be able to see the bigger picture
If you hate your job then chances are, you will be thinking about yourself a lot. But if you love your job, you will be able to see what is best for the company or the project and you will want to see everyone doing well and gaining success.

8) You’re a more effective leader
If you don’t believe in what you do, how can you make others want to work for you? So how you perform at work is contagious. If you build a team that works towards success, you’re more likely to be joyful at the same time as hardworking.

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