4 ways to build relationships with colleagues

70% of UK workers rate their colleagues as the number one reason for their happiness at work.

A study found the majority of these workers would even turn down a pay rise to work amongst amiable colleagues.

With the potential to massively uplift our weekdays, improve job satisfaction and boost productivity, it’s worth making an effort to build relationships with our nine-to-five buddies.

1. Be honest

With any relationship, honesty is paramount, particularly when you’re spending 40 hours or more every week in their company.

Being completely honest with your colleagues will not only allow you to gain their trust, but also their respect. You spend nearly half your waking life with these humans, so it’s not worth backstabbing them or lying to their face.

2. Be observant

Find out what they do in their spare time and show an interest. Regularly ask them questions about topics they are clearly willing to discuss and avoid the ones they aren’t.

3. Find common ground

Career coach and author of ’10 ways to improve relationships with your boss (or anyone)’ Cecilia Harry encourages staff to first take a look at the culture of the business before organising social events with colleagues. However, small outings arranged around common interests will naturally help to build on the working relationship.

4. Aim high

It’s easy enough to make friends with those who are of a similar age or position to you, but associating with bosses or managers will be more beneficial for both parties. Whilst the boss will benefit from casual mentoring, you will be able to learn a thing or two from higher ranks. Having a social relationship with a boss will take away any intimidation or fear, improving your job satisfaction too.

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