Pixelwave Creative supports NHS frontline workers with Covid-19 PPE videos

Bury-based video provider Pixelwave Creative is supporting the NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic with the production of videos that will assist frontline healthcare staff at UK hospitals.

The videos have been created to help communicate to healthcare workers the updated guidelines on infection prevention and control advice for when treating patients who have, or are suspected of having, COVID-19.

Videos are already in use at a major NHS hospital in the North of England, and Pixelwave Creative is offering support to other NHS Trusts across the UK to deliver information to staff, such as what personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn in different settings.

JP Woffenden, managing director at Pixelwave Creative, says: “We feel incredibly fortunate that we’ve been able to step in and support the NHS with our video expertise during such challenging times. We understand how important it is for NHS organisations to communicate updated safety guidelines quickly and accurately so that staff can deliver essential care while keeping their patients and themselves safe.”

“We’ve worked with a number of healthcare organisations over the past decade, including NHS Trusts, Health Education England and The Royal College of Surgeons, so know how video works effectively as a tool to get across key messages, policies and updates to staff, while helping organisations engage with their audiences to provide valuable information on important issues.”

Pixelwave Creative is also offering free support to help Bury businesses make their own videos – whether that’s to communicate with their customers and clients, or even to keep in touch with staff who are working from home.

JP Woffenden says: “It’s essential for businesses to stay on their customers’ radar so that when we return to normal, they won’t be forgotten. We understand that most businesses will be reluctant to spend money on marketing their business in these uncertain times so we’re giving them the support they need to do it themselves.”

“We’re seeing lots of people creating videos for the first time, which is brilliant, but we also recognise that some may have difficulties with using the right gear or lack the confidence to speak effectively to camera. Our free virtual consultation will explain how to use the equipment they have at hand to record video, and we’ll also coach them on delivery techniques to help them look and sound as good as possible.”
