Romantic Brummies boost city’s wedding industry

WHIRLWIND romances have given a lift to Birmingham’s wedding and conferencing business.

A recent survey undertaken by Conference Aston has discovered people from Birmingham are far more likely than those in other cities to get married after a quick and intense relationship than a long, lingering romance.
The survey questioned 100 people each from London, Birmingham and Manchester and the results showed that 47% of people were likely to get married within six months of meeting a partner – much higher than elsewhere.

In Manchester the figure was 39%, while in London it was down to 32%.

Out of those surveyed in Birmingham, 21% said they had opted for marriage or a civil ceremony within six months, compared to just 10% in London and 7% in Manchester.
Cheryl Thompson, wedding coordinator at the Lakeside Centre, Conference Aston, said: “Brummies are all romantics at heart, we just need a push in the right direction.

“We’ve already seen bookings soar following Christmas, New Year and Valentines Day proposals and we expect to see more spur of the moment weddings throughout the summer.”

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