Online tool needs business input, says LEP

BUSINESSES in Coventry and Warwickshire have been urged the make the most of a new online tool.

The new web portal for the Coventry and Warwickshire LEP was officially launched at an event at the University of Warwick.

The portal, which has been created by Leamington-based Noisegate Media, carries a wealth of relevant information for businesses in the area as well as outlining the work of the LEP.

It provides secure areas for the sharing of information between LEP board members and other authorised users, details the strategy of the LEP, outlines support services available in the area and showcases major events from partner organisations.

SCC’s Tracy Westall, who is chair of the LEP’s IT and media group, told the 100 strong audience that the new portal would only thrive if people contribute.

“There is a massive amount of very useful information on all aspects of economic life in Coventry and Warwickshire, but the portal has been designed to be dynamic,” she said.

“We want business to use the information, but also to contribute their own content and to use the portal to its full potential.
