Chinese investors lined up to visit Stoke

STOKE-ON-TRENT could be the next area to benefit from Chinese investment after business leaders from the country met city officials.

The potential investors include representatives from Chongqing, the world’s fast growing region and one rich in natural energy, with geothermal springs supplying hot water. It has also seen the development of a thriving technology sector and growing knowledge based economy.  

Dr Yu Xiong, a UK-based academic working with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills to forge creative partnerships with business in the UK, said he was impressed by the scale of Stoke-on-Trent’s ambition and focus after meeting delegates at the Chelsea Flower Show.

“I enjoyed meeting the team and seeing the garden at Chelsea. They had a clear idea of how they wanted Stoke-on-Trent to grow and some really exciting plans which seemed to fit well with the way Chongqing is thinking,” he said.

“Stoke-on-Trent has two good universities, a range of interesting research businesses, and the city has real potential to grow fast. I was impressed by the vision of a modern technology driven city.

“I am arranging for a number of businesses from China to visit Stoke-on-Trent on a fact finding tour and to make connections which could generate real bilateral opportunities for both cities.”

The visits are being planned for later this summer.

Sara Williams, chief executive of the North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “The Chelsea Flower Show has raised Stoke-on-Trent’s profile at a time when many regional cities are struggling to keep their PR momentum. At the networking event I attended at the show, I met investors and business people who did not know much about our city, but were attracted by the beautiful garden and the messages it contained about the area.

“As a result, at the chamber we are now having conversations with people who want to know more about what we do and are looking for business opportunities in Staffordshire.”

Cllr Ruth Rosenau, the city council’s regeneration leader, said Stoke-on-Trent had to market itself better.

“The investment world is starting to look at the city with fresh eyes. Our ambition and focus on the knowledge economy, new technology and innovation, and our vision for a sustainable energy future, are repositioning the city. It’s working and international business is taking us seriously,” she said.

“Last year 14 international companies set up in the city region bringing in hundreds of new jobs. Stoke-on-Trent is one of the fastest growing areas in the UK. That’s why investors from Chongqing are interested in coming here – they come from are the fastest growing economy in the world.”
