How To Boost Your Workplace Productivity with Coffee Machines for Business

Are you looking for ways to increase productivity in your workplace? Apparently, the perfect solution is hiding in the break room and we will explain you why!

Coffee machines have become a staple in many workplaces. They are a cost-effective and convenient solution to fuel employees with a much-needed caffeine kick throughout the day.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of coffee machines for business and how they can help boost productivity, as well as provide tips on choosing the right coffee machine for your workplace.

Coffee and Productivity

A cup of coffee a day keeps your brain fog away. It’s no secret that caffeine improves alertness and focus. But did you know that coffee can also improve memory and cognitive function?

Caffeine increases the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can improve our cognitive function. It also contains antioxidants that protect the brain from damage.

By creating a designated coffee break area, you will encourage employees to take a break when they need it. This will lead to increased productivity and creativity.

Coffee’s influence on our mood

In addition to improving cognitive function, coffee reduces:

  • tiredness
  • fatigue
  • stress

All of which can interfere with work.

Caffeine reduces inflammation, serving as a mode of pain relief and stimulating dopamine release. Dopamine is known as a feel-good chemical in the brain. It improves your mood and stabilises your emotions so you feel better throughout the workday.

Enhancement of Workplace Culture

Just like meeting and chatting with friends over a cup of coffee can benefit your personal relationships, this activity can also help your employees’ engagement with each other.

Coffee culture has become popular for coworkers to build relationships beyond business. Socialising over coffee, whether through brief chats or dedicated breaks, builds trust and understanding among coworkers. This especially comes in handy during times of disagreement.

By providing a space where employees can take a break, relax and chat, coffee breaks can help to break down barriers and foster a sense of community and belonging. This can result in a happier and healthier workplace culture overall.

The Benefits of Coffee Machines for Business

  1. Increased Employee Satisfaction and Morale: When employees feel valued and appreciated, their job satisfaction and morale tend to soar. A simple gesture such as keeping the workplace equipped for their daily needs will encourage work breaks and demonstrate your care for their well-being. It’s a way to show appreciation and create a positive work environment.
  2. Reduced Absenteeism and Tardiness: Employees who feel fatigued are more likely to miss work or arrive late. You can help reduce employee absenteeism and tardiness by keeping coffee machines available.
  3. Higher Quality Work Output and Faster Task Completion: As mentioned before, caffeine has been shown to improve cognitive function, leading to higher-quality work output and faster task completion. Therefore, support your team’s productivity by offering them a way to recharge their energy and take a break.

Choosing the Right Coffee Machine for Your Business

There are a couple of things you should consider before getting a coffee machine, as seen below:

Size of your business

There are several alternatives to coffee machines, so regardless of whether your office has 20 or 200 people, there’s a machine out there for every business size. However, it’s important to choose the right one.

The most common types of coffee machines used in businesses are:

  • filter coffee machines
  • capsule/pod
  • bean-to-cup
  • barista-style

For small offices, we recommend instant or filter machines since they are typically sufficient to meet the needs of a small group of people.

For medium-sized businesses, any machine should be sufficient, but it’s important to consider the volume needs of the office.

For large enterprises, bean-to-cup machines are recommended, as they can produce a high volume of coffee quickly and efficiently.

Cost and quality

When selecting a coffee machine, the cost is undeniably a factor you should pay attention to. Investing in a high-quality machine like a bean-to-cup or barista-style machine is considerably worth it in the long run.

At the same time, pod machines may be cheaper upfront, but the cost per cup is higher due to the need to purchase pods continually.

Another option you have is, instead of buying a coffee machine, finding coffee machines for lease. If you need high-quality machines and are looking for a cheaper option, this could be a solution for your business. However, they usually vary in cost and quality, so do thorough research before making a final decision.


Having a coffee machine in the office saves time and money. Instead of going out to coffee shops or cafés to get their daily amount of caffeine, employees can go quickly to the closest break room or kitchen without leaving the office, allowing them to return to their activities in no time.

This can be especially helpful for busy teammates who don’t have much free time during the workday.


Enhancing workplace productivity and employee satisfaction has never been easier and more cost-effective than investing in a coffee machine for your business.

By offering convenient access to coffee, you can foster collaboration, uplift morale, and elevate the quality of work output. So why not invest in a coffee machine today and see the benefits for yourself?
