Major road improvement works to start next month

A £550,000 scheme to improve the road between Adlingfleet and Whitgift, near Goole, will get underway next month.

Work to resurface sections of the road between the two villages is due to begin on Monday, November 11, and will be carried out by East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s streetscene services team.

The resurfacing will take place between the county boundary on Garthorpe Road, Adlingfleet, and Ousefleet Road, Whitgift. The scheme is expected to take eight weeks to complete, weather permitting.

During that time a temporary road closure will be put in place. Due to the nature of the works this will be a 24-hour closure for the first three weeks, after which the road will be closed during working hours only, Monday to Friday.

Traffic will be diverted via the A161, Eastoft, B1392 Luddington, Garthorpe Road, Luddington Road, Fockerby and Garthorpe.

However, the road will reopen during the Christmas period.

The resurfacing work will be carried out in three distinct sections to minimise the length of disruption to residents and business owners:

  • Phase one – Road resurfacing, kerbing and patching works will take place along Garthorpe Road, Hoggard Lane and Townsend Causeway on weekdays for the first four weeks, between 7.30am and 3.30pm.
  • Phase two – Road resurfacing and patching works will be carried out along Ousefleet Road, Ousefleet, for two weeks before Christmas, between 7.30am and 3.30pm.
  • Phase three – Road resurfacing and patching works will be carried out along Ousefleet Road, Whitgift for two weeks after Christmas, between 7.30am and 3.30pm.

Dave Waudby, head of infrastructure and facilities at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “We would like to thank residents, businesses and motorists in advance for their patience while we carry out this essential work to improve the road.

“The road closure is necessary because of the narrow width of the road, but we are doing all we can to minimise disruption.

“Access will be permitted for residents and business owners only into the areas where work will be taking place.”

Public bus services along this route will be affected during the works. A revised timetable will be in operation for the 360 & 361 East Yorkshire buses services and details will be available shortly.
