Administration on the cards for legal and financial group
A Sheffield-based legal and financial group has filed a notice of intention to appoint an administrator.
SSB Group is headquartered in Navigation House, South Quay Drive. According to its unaudited financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2022, the group employed an average of 162 staff in 2022.
The group has been trading since 2007 and comprises SSB Law, SSB Funding, SSB Insurance, SSB Financial and SSB Compliance.
The legal side of the business supports claims in areas such as personal injury, road traffic accidents, medical and dental negligence, mortgage mis-selling, pension mis-selling, criminal injuries compensation and professional negligence.
At the end of 2021 SSB Law revealed significant plans for growth, confirming it was taking on an additional 43,110 sq ft of office space to house more than 600 members of staff.