Funding support fuels ambitions at packaging company

A packaging company in Shipley has invested in machinery and created new jobs, following capital funding from the Shipley Towns Fund.

ASC Cartons Ltd, based in Leeds Road, is a supplier of corrugated packaging across various industries. Its clients can design custom-sized boxes tailored to their precise requirements, which both enhances efficiency and reduces waste.

The £25,300 grant from the Government-funded Shipley Towns Fund has enabled the firm to invest in three new pieces of machinery:

  • Fully Automatic Midas Auto Gluing Machine – the new gluer will increase gluing capacity and increase efficiencies. It will also allow ASC to increase the range and size of products it provides.
  • Fully Automatic Strapper – this machine is to automate a manual process, increasing capacity and quality.
  • Midas MD Ultra Semi-Automatic Large Format Gluer/Stitcher – this will increase the range and size of products ASC can supply while also creating additional capacity to aid future growth.

The funding has also enabled the business to add three more employees, including one apprenticeship, to its 49-strong team.

ASC commercial sales manager, James Palfrey-Smith, said: “Bradford Council’s Invest in Bradford team has provided business development support to help us realise our ambitions for future growth.

“This latest capital investment through the Shipley Towns Fund has enabled us to produce a greater diversity of products with increased efficiency, for the local community and far beyond.”

Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, transport and planning, Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, said: “We are pleased to be able to support a company like ASC, which has been an important part of the business community in Shipley for 45 years.

“The council’s Invest in Bradford Team is able to advise businesses across the district, as well as helping them to apply for funding such as this.”

Chair of the Shipley Towns Fund, Adam Clerkin, added: “It’s fantastic to see local businesses benefit from the Towns Fund.

“This is a great example of what can be achieved by leveraging investment in productivity to safeguard and create jobs in Shipley.”
