Big freeze provides boost for bargain hunters

THE UK’s big freeze has delivered super low sale prices for shoppers in the UK this January according to independent sales website

The record snow falls and low temperatures making it the worst winter for 30 years has been a massive blow for High Street retailers, stopping all but the hardiest from taking advantage of the early January sales and leaving retailers with more stock than usual to discount.

The result is discounts of around 70 per cent at many fashion retailers in the High Street – and hundreds of stores offering a large range of bargains that need to be cleared in the next few days.

“The weather has been a bonus for online retail sales, and we have seen a big hike in traffic to online sales sites over the past two weeks,” said Fiona Kendall of

“At the moment there are dozens of fashion sales with between sixty and seventy per cent off, but it is the amount of stock and the choice of sizes and styles that makes these sales better than usual,” she added.

Details of dozens of the best High Street and online sales are available on website that was launched in December and is the very first site in the UK dedicated to the latest fashion bargains available on the High Street and online.

“Our contributors are all over the country, and although we have seen relatively quiet sale shopping all over the UK, with discounts reaching their peak this weekend, and a gradual improvement in weather forecast for many parts of the country we expect this to be the best bargain hunting for years,” concluded Ms Kendall.

Bargain hungry shoppers can browse the site at and can also register for twice weekly emails that detail the best sales in the stores and online.
