Leeds Agents’ Forum launched for property sector

OFFICE agents from a number of leading property companies have joined forces to establish the Leeds Agents’ Forum, which aims to collate and distribute definitive market information.

Representatives from major Leeds property companies will meet once every quarter to compile and analyse up-to-date information on the city’s office market.

Trends such as supply, demand, take-up and rental levels in addition to highlighting notable deals within the marketplace will all be monitored.

The Forum hopes the approach will result in a cohesive approach to communicating market conditions and ensuring consistency in the delivery of information.

Jonathan Shires, director of office agency at CB Richard Ellis, and a member of the Forum, said: “The establishment of the Leeds Agents’ Forum is a major step forward in the analysis of current and future market trends in the city and out-of-town markets.

“By working together, we can ensure that the property industry will receive definitive statistics enabling accurate analysis of the market conditions.”

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