Expansion for insurance firm

A YORKSHIRE insurance company is celebrating its fifth anniversary by boosting its team and expanding its services.

Northallerton Insurance Services (NiS), which launched in 2005, has opened a mortgage centre above its offices on High Street and has hired two members of staff to help run it.

Caron Sheldon and Denise Wright from Northallerton have been appointed as customer account manager and customer services respresentative for the new combined insurance and mortgage centre, which provides customers with a private and confidential area to discuss their requirements.

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Managing director of NiS’s mortgage and insurance centre, Robin Mackenzie, said: “We have always done mortgages but unfortunately due to the credit crunch a lot of mortgage and insurance brokers closed down in the town resulting in job losses. As a result we found the demand for our mortgage services increasing and so we decided to open a mortgage centre of our own, creating employment for some of those who would have lost their jobs in the area.

“We have all been through some difficult times but the centre demonstrates the improvement in mortgage conditions and the general economy as a whole so we are very optimistic about the future and have plans to continue the growth of the company.”

To celebrate its fifth anniversary, NiS is entering existing renewal customers into a draw for 12 months free insurance and has joined the shop local scheme, which allows all local members in the Northallerton area to receive a discount on its services.
