My Yorkshire: Lawrence Tomlinson, LNT Group

Lawrence Tomlinson, if you don’t already know, is the chairman of the LNT Group and Ginetta Cars, racing car manufacturers based in Garforth, employing more than 2,000 people.

What is your favourite place to visit in Yorkshire and why?

There are so many great places in Yorkshire it is hard to pick! I’ve recently been spending a lot of time at Leeds East Airport with Ginetta. It’s a fantastic facility and there is nothing better than spending some time on the track developing our cars. Our customers certainly seem to enjoy it too.
During my free time, I like taking my dog for a walk into Wetherby and popping into the shops and cafes to try the local produce. It is a very pleasant town and easy to while away some time there.

What is still on your “to do” list in the region?
Last year I got the opportunity to partake in the charity bike-ride as part of the Tour de Yorkshire. Unfortunately I had to pull out due to injury at the last minute which was very disappointing. The LNT directors and co. went ahead with the ride and whilst I’m sure it was gruelling, they had a great time biking through some of the most scenic parts of the Yorkshire countryside. If the opportunity comes up again, and the diary allows, I’m really keen to participate.

What is the most memorable meal you’ve ever had?
I can’t pinpoint any specific meal but I do love Italian food- you can’t beat a good pizza and glass of red wine. Some of my favourites include Franco’s at Thorpe Park, Piccolino’s in Collingham and Flying Pizza in Leeds.

What is your most Yorkshire trait?
Most people would probably describe me as fairly plain-speaking! I like honesty so very much encourage that amongst my staff, if something is wrong or a mistake has been made, I’d far rather know than not.

What is your favourite cultural icon to come out of Yorkshire?
I’m a big fan of Sir Patrick Stewart, not just for his Hollywood fame, but the excellent work whilst he was Chancellor of University of Huddersfield. He was extremely active in promoting engineering in the region, his legacy will help develop the skill-set available in the region.
As an engineer, I have to also mention John Smeaton, the father of civil- engineering too!

Worst experience or thing about Yorkshire?
…it’s too close to Lancashire…

What is one thing you’d steal from Lancashire (or other UK regions) if you could?
I’ve already stolen a couple- my technical director and Championship manager!
The only other thing would probably be Coronation Street but I do enjoy Emmerdale too.

What is the most overrated thing about Yorkshire?
If anything, it is not rated highly enough.
