5 ways to clean up your act on LinkedIn

When you’re on the hunt for a job you’ll probably perfect little every detail of your professional profile to get yourself noticed, but once you’ve bagged the role you wanted your LinkedIn gets neglected.

But you never know what’s round the corner and it’s especially important to look professional now you’re part of a brand.

1. Keeping up appearances

So what if you’ve put on a few pounds and gained a dozen wrinkles, your virtual presence still needs to represent you. Aim to update your head shot every three years to make sure it actually looks like you. Potential connections could be skipping past you in disbelief.

Ensure you look professional, but also approachable. Also use your background to your advantage, if you’re an entrepreneur have a photograph taken outside of your company for example.

2. Make it punchy

Whilst you may not be looking to change roles just yet, don’t settle for the boring description of your job. You have 120 characters to play with, so make it interesting – you never know who’ll you connect with next. Add in keywords so you can be found by future clients or customers

3. Link up

It is LinkedIn after all. Add links to all your social media channels, blogs, company website in your bio – research has proven it does actually work. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, tap your mobile number in there to provide an alternative method of communication.

4. Experience

Once you’ve made sure everything is fully up-to-date and all sections are filled out, review your experience and delete anything that is irrelevant to your career goals. In your current role, describe the skills you’ve cultivated, the successes you’ve had, and the impact you’ve had on the company. Avoid jargon as people beyond your industry may be having a sneaky peak too.

5. Summarise

Your summary shouldn’t be a lengthy itinary of everything you’ve ever done – you have the experience section for that. Create a short, concise snapshot of who you are, what you’ve learned and any current ambitions in your present role.
