Cobbetts Greentech Round Table panellists

Cobbetts Greentech Round Table panellists

Hugh Goulbourne, environmental law expert and former Government advisor with Cobbetts
Hugh Goulbourne, former Government advisor and environmental law expert with Cobbetts
Graham Muth, Cobbetts
Graham Muth, head of the Birmingham office of Cobbetts
Mark Abrams, director of business development and head of low impact buildings applied research programme at Coventry University
Mark Abrams, business development director and head of low impact buildings applied research programme at Coventry University
  Phil Dyke, engineering services manager for the NEC Group
Phil Dyke, engineering services manager for the NEC Group
 Fred Mead, director of Environmental Business Communications
Fred Mead, director of Environmental Business Communications
Bill Rumble, commercial director at The Mark Group
Bill Rumble, commercial director at The Mark Group
Mark Clemson, chief executive of New World Solar
Mark Clemson, chief executive of New World Solar
