MP’s concern over Enterprise Zone choice

AN MP has expressed concerns over the choice of Airport City as the location for Greater Manchester’s Enterprise Zone.

Rochdale Labour MP Simon Danczuk fears North Manchester could be left as the ‘poor relation’ of the city region.

He said: “It is not clear how these Enterprise Zones will link to other areas and I worry that we could see a lot of boundary hopping with businesses from one area relocating to the Airport city project to get the tax breaks on offer.”

He argues that Rochdale had suffered the highest cuts per person in Greater Manchester, and needs more help than other locations.

“Manchester Airport is already one of the City’s priority ‘sector accelerators’ and is doing a good job of attracting investment. But in areas like Rochdale we have to work harder to get investment and we need government help.

“I’m disappointed at the timid approach they’re taking and by identifying areas that look a safe bet it looks like they’ve already written off other places.”

He said East Manchester’s economic fortunes was boosted by the Commonwealth Games, and is seeing continued investment around Eastlands from Manchester City FC,  Salford is benefiting from MediaCity and now South Manchester has Airport City.

 “North Manchester should not be left as the poor relation.”

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