Energetix prepares for growing sales in 2010

ALTERNATIVE energy business Energetix Group is gearing up for growing sales, having obtained most of the required safety certification for its products, it said in a trading statement.

The Chester-based group said it has completed all of the necessary development and CE certification, proving a product has met EU consumer safety standards, for both the VPhase and Pnu Power products.

It added that it expects Genlec to have obtained the initial CE certification for its trial products before the end of the second quarter of 2010.

It did admit, however, that the time taken to achieve certification had led to delays in the timing of sales.

The group added that tight financial control had reduced its expected loss by around £250,000 and that it would finish the year with cash reserves of around £5.5m.

Its VPhase subsidiary has been recruiting a sales and marketing team, in preparation for growing sales volumes in 2010.

On the utility front, Scottish and Southern Energy has installed VPhase units in about 30 of its customers’ homes, with the remaining 20 to be installed in the New Year, as part of the Government’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Target trial, and British Gas has initiated its commercial sales trials.

It added that VPhase has received a letter of intent from a North West-based social housing provider with more than 15,000 homes to carry out a field trial with VPhase in the New Year. The trial will look at ease of installation plus energy and carbon savings delivered.

The group’s Pnu Power subsidiary has received orders from National Grid UK and M/A-COM for Florida’s state trooper emergency network. 

National Grid is at an advanced stage of testing the Pnu Power back-up system for its utility switch refurbishment programme.

The subsidiary has also secured a first trial order from a major Spanish-based international infrastructure provider for the Pnu Power 10kVA backup power system to be used on the country’s television broadcast system.

The Genlec subsidiary, which continues to work with boiler partners in mainland Europe, is on target with plans to test Genlec-enabled appliances in homes this winter, the group said. 

It has also developed a UK-specified Genlec-enabled appliance, which will be available in the UK in late 2010 via Genlec’s boiler and utility partners.

Adrian Hutchings, chief executive of Energetix Group, said: “The group has focused on obtaining product certification and establishing sales channels during this year. We are pleased that, barring delays to certification which have impacted the timing of sales, the group’s operations for this year have been largely in line with management’s expectations.

“The group’s pipeline has begun to convert into sales, and the board is confident that we will achieve increasing sales and carry out further product trials as Energetix progresses into next year.”
