Manchester Pride challenges employers to become ‘truly equal’

Manchester Pride has announced a project that aims to bring real change and a true commitment to LGBT+ inclusion and equality across the region.
The charity, which campaigns, fundraises and curates events, is looking to the businesses and organisations of Greater Manchester to stand up and be counted as it invites them to sign a pledge to commit to the promotion of equality and inclusion for all LGBT+ people in the region.
It asks them to do this by tackling all forms of discrimination and inequality faced by LGBT+ people in order to create a safe environment for all people to thrive within.
The charity, which takes a role as trailblazer for LGBT+ issues, and in particular equality, is making a commitment to rid Greater Manchester of inequality for LGBT+ people.
This will take the form of a Charter which the organisation will ask all partners, suppliers and grant recipients involved with Manchester Pride to sign.
But the charity has aspirations to take the initiative to the wider community of companies and organisations across the region inviting them to show their commitment to this issue.
The Charter will also ask organisations to recognise that there is diversity among LGBT+ people. That there is no ‘one size fits all’ strategy and there are many differences in needs, aspirations and experiences of LGBT+ life.
The Inclusion Equality Charter is a first of its kind and will be finalised following discussion of the initial ‘white paper’ which will be refined by working with the region’s LGBT+ people before publication of the final document later this year.
Manchester Pride chief executive Mark Fletcher explained: “Businesses and organisations within the region have such a strong influence over day -o-day life for everyone, be they LGBT+ or otherwise.
“From workplaces to public spaces such as theatres, bars or retail outlets, they set the tone for how people are valued and create touch points between people and communities and we feel that they must take responsibility for how these spaces and the people within them interact.
“Setting examples, educating through training and policy and committing to take action against anything that is seen to be hate or discrimination.”
Mr Fletcher said: “A huge amount of work has already gone into the development of the Charter to create what we hope will be a trailblazing initiative that will not only help us bring workplace policy inline with what ought to be the norm in 2018, but also shine a light on some of the brilliant practises that are employed within businesses across our region.”
He added: “We, and many other organisations, have already done so much work to ensure that LGBT+ people feel comfortable and supportive in all elements of their lives – but we are still shocked on too many occasions by the prejudice and lack of education out there.
“However, Manchester has always been a leader when it comes to LGBT+ history and rights and we know hope that the city will show its commitment to making real change in the name of equality and sign our charter with pride.”
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