Plans submitted for former Northenden pub

Having stood empty for more than 10 years, developer Britannia Group is hoping to rejuvenate the former Tatton Arms pub site in Northenden, South Manchester.
A detailed planning application has been submitted for a high-quality residential development which will see the sympathetic restoration of the much-loved local building.
Following extensive liaison with Manchester City Council planning department and local residents, OMI Architects have designed a scheme which sees the tasteful restoration of the former public house, ensuring the 19th century building is sensitively restored using complementary materials for minimal visual impact.
A high-quality new-build will sit in grounds behind the main building in place of demolished ad hoc modern extensions.
All healthy existing trees will be retained as part of a dedicated woodland habitat.
The planning application will propose 28 new apartments, seven within the restored Tatton Arms building, and a further 21 in the new-build element.
Bill Davidson, director at P4 Planning who advised on the scheme, said: “This is a highly sustainable scheme which has been carefully designed to minimise impact on openness of the Green Belt, and yet enable the restoration of an important and prominent non-designated heritage asset.
“Feedback during the pre-application process has been very supportive, and if approved we are confident it will make a positive contribution to the character of the Northenden Conservation Area.”
Ibrahim Jamil, from the Britannia Group, said: “I am very excited to be working with OMI Architects and P4 Planning to put forward these new proposals. This is a fresh approach which retains the openness of the Greenbelt and features the Tatton Arms at the forefront of the design.
“It was a fine balance to take on board all stakeholders’ comments and also create a project which is commercially viable and deliverable, but it was a challenge the entire team rose to and I am pleased with the design we have created.
“We hope to build on the local support to get consent for a scheme which will dramatically improve the local area and restore the much-loved Tatton Arms.”