Growth soars by 50% as tech business looks set for best ever year

Some of the +24 team with Dave Walker bottom left

Burnley digital technology firm +24 has launched a recruitment drive and is on track to achieving its first record-breaking £1m-turnover figures.

The digital agency recently added six staff to the business, taking its total headcount to 20, and is in the process of taking on even more personnel.

And, after investing more than £100,000 in the business during the past six months, it is on course to hit seven-figure sales levels for the first time, having seen turnover soar by 50% in the past quarter.

This is despite having to move to remote working during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.

Managing director, Dave Walker, said: “It’s been a very difficult six months for everyone, employers and staff alike.

“Thankfully, we were able to respond early to make the changes that were vital to ensure the business has remained buoyant and successful.

“We have been agile in our response to our customers and forged new relationships with businesses by listening to their needs and responding appropriately.

“It has led to some fantastic new clients.”

He added: “Circumstances have led us to make some pretty big changes, like establishing remote working for all our team, but our ethos and strong work ethic has remained – and is positively reflected in our books.

“In this last quarter we hit 50% growth compared to the same time last year, mainly thanks to existing clients bringing us new business, as well as some new accounts.”

Existing, long-standing clients including Ansell Lighting, Calico and IT recycling company Tier 1, have continued to work closely with Dave and his team of software developers.

The firm’s ability to adapt to the changing landscape of the UK as the COVID-19 pandemic spread was illustrated when long-standing client Calico and Burnley Council turned to +24 for help.

Burnley Together is a new partnership between Calico, Burnley Council and other agencies, to urgently address issues created by the pandemic – specifically, where to turn to for help.

They needed a new place to share information, with the COVID-19 crisis having a huge effect on the local community.

Dave said: “They needed an online presence so we designed and developed a website for Burnley Together that went live within 48 hours. We have the in-house expertise and flexibility to turn things around very quickly.”

He added: My emphasis has always been on thriving, rather than surviving, which we have certainly managed to achieve during these uncertain times.

“All this growth means we’ve been able to put significant investment into our own business.

“As a business owner, I’m delighted that we are currently recruiting for several new positions, and if all goes to plan, there will be further openings for digital talent to join us in the near future.

“From a standing start, in less than a decade we’ve become a serious player in the tech industry, and +24 will definitely be forging ahead to be at the forefront of the tech sector in Britain.”
