Man Utd earned more from Champs League than Barca

MANCHESTER United earned more from last year’s Champions’ League final than Barcelona FC, despite being beaten by the Spanish club in the final.

New figures on the distribution of cash to clubs from UEFA show that Manchester United earned €53.2m during last year’s campaign – €27m of which was based on results and €25.9m of which came from TV rights.

Barcelona earned €51m – €30.7m for its results and €20.3m through TV rights. The club received €9m for winning the final alone, compared with Manchester United’s €5.6m runner’s-up prize.

The other major earners from last year’s Champions League were Chelsea (€44.5m), FC Schalke (€39.75m), Real Madrid (€39.3m), Inter Milan (€38m), Bayern Munich (€32.6m) and Tottenham Hotspur (€31.3m).
