£1.3m of developers’ money to improve Salford
Salford City Council has agreed to spend almost £1.3m of Section 106 money.
The cash will be spent as match funding towards Chapel Street East Phase 1 and New Bailey Gateway Phase 2.
Section 106 contributions can be sought from developers towards the costs of providing community and social infrastructure, the need for which has arisen as a result of a new development taking place.
Cllr John Merry, deputy city mayor, said: “This money will make a huge difference as we improve the infrastructure in the city.
The council has now successfully secured £1.8m Active Travel Funding (ATF 4) and combined with Mayors Challenge Funding for Walking & Cycling and the Section 106 money gives us an opportunity to change our neighbourhoods for the better.”
The money will be spent on:
Improvements to the junction of Chapel Street and New Bailey Street
A first phase of improvements along Chapel Street East including improved pedestrian spaces and footways, segregated cycle lanes and landscaping