Topping out marked at 272-apartment Eccles scheme

A 272-apartment scheme in Eccles has marked its topping out milestone.
Church Street Place involved the demolition of existing properties to make way for the multi-storey structure accommodating one-, two-, and three-bedroom rental apartments, as well as 685 sq m of ground floor commercial space, contributing to the enhancement of Eccles’s retail and F&B offerings.
The £42.5m development consists of ground, plus three- and five-storey buildings, complemented by a tower rising to 22 storeys.
The multifunctional ground floor encompasses commercial spaces and provides 19 car parking spaces and 168 bicycle spaces. A meticulously designed planted courtyard adds a touch of greenery and offers residents private, accessible amenity space.
The scheme is a joint venture between Arlesco Ventures and Silverlane Developments (NW). They were joined, along with their principal contractor BCEGI, project monitors Naismiths and lending specialist Zorin Finance, at the topping out ceremony this week.
Steve Carnes, Managing Director of Silverlane, said: “Today’s topping out ceremony signifies a crucial moment in the project’s timeline, showcasing the collaborative efforts of the development team.
“As we witness the structure reach its highest point, we anticipate the positive impact Church Street Place will have on Eccles and its community.”
BCEGI’s Lead Director, Mr Yu, said: “Topping out is a significant milestone for any construction project. However, this event holds particular importance for the wider regeneration of Eccles town centre. The achievement is a testament to the dedication and commitment of the entire project team and has been a fantastic project for BCEGI to be a part of.”
John Crompton, Associate Director of project monitoring at Naismiths, said: “Having been involved since the pre-construction phase when the funding facility was being agreed, it’s fantastic to see the plans brought to fruition.”