Plan for 900 homes and massive employment zone unveiled

PLANS to deliver a flagship mixed-use community in Carrington, Greater Manchester, have been launched by HIMOR.
The Mancheser-based land and property company has unveiled proposals to deliver up to 900 high quality homes; up to 1 million sq ft of employment space; a local village centre with shops; and new sports pitches as part of Phase One of Future Carrington.
HIMOR is working in partnership with Trafford Council to deliver Future Carrington, which will see a masterplan for the 1,600 acre Carrington estate developed.
The vision will then be brought forward in stages, regenerating the former Shell site and surrounding estate – one of the largest freehold sites in the region.
A draft masterplan for Phase One has been released ahead of upcoming public consultation, with those interested in Future Carrington encouraged to meet the team and provide feedback during an exhibition.
The drop-in session will be held at Carrington Business Park, Manchester Road, Carrington, on Monday February 29 from 3pm to 8pm.
HIMOR director Paul Stanley said: “This is a landmark project for both HIMOR and Trafford Council. We’re determined to create a legacy community that helps meet regional need for sustainable housing growth and delivers unprecedented employment opportunities.
“Our draft masterplan is the first, exciting step in delivering a vision for the Carrington estate. The site has long been seen as a unique opportunity to bring about large scale transformation within the Greater Manchester area.
“We have carried out several stages of consultation to date and the feedback we are receiving is proving invaluable in helping shape our vision.”
The first phase of Future Carrington covers an area of over 170 acres, with residential and retail zones centred on the existing Carrington village and employment uses proposed for areas off Manchester Road and Common Lane. HIMOR is currently preparing two planning applications for Phase One, which it intends to submit to Trafford Council in Spring 2016.
Executive Councillor for Economic Growth and Planning at Trafford Council, Michael Young, said: “Future Carrington will deliver genuine transformation and we welcome HIMOR’s role in progressing at pace to achieve long-held aspirations for the site.
“Here is a significant opportunity to unlock investment into the area by working in partnership to create new jobs, new homes and a vibrant community.”
The launch of the masterplan follows a campaign launched in November, during which the Future Carrington team asked the community about their aspirations for the future of the 1,660 acre Carrington estate.
A total of 165 people took part in an online survey, with people identifying their top priorities as creating a thriving community; improving transport links and delivering new job opportunities. A further 75 took part in discussion based workshops with the project team.
This week, the project team also welcomed Kate Green, MP for Stretford and Urmston, to the site. Green took part in a tour of the expansive Carrington estate and was provided an overview of the regeneration plans.