woos law firm

ONLINE North West business finance portal has received a boost from one of the region’s major law firms.

FundingStore, a match-making service for lenders and borrowers founded by accountant Nick Montague, has attracted Addleshaw Goddard., which is based in Knutsford has been talking to the corporate finance commuinity ahead of its launch to businesses in need of funding next week.

Mr Montague said: “In the last few weeks, as word has spread, the early adopters have been quick to see the benefits of having a comprehensive profile on the site when we open it for registration to the business community on December 6.”

Jim Tully, corporate partner at Addleshaw Goddard said: “The concept of is so simple – as advisers we select the geographic region we want to work in, the size of business we want to help, the areas we specialise in and the industry fields we are keen to support.

“The search engine facility then matches us with businesses that meet our criteria – and after that we can begin the relationship.  We are passionately committed to helping businesses in the North West succeed and we know that getting the right advice at the most important time is key to growth. provides a great vehicle to help us do this”
