Swindon Council looking to make £32m in cuts

Swindon  Council has announced it is looking to make £32m in  cuts as it battles to avoid bankruptcy.

The Labour run authority said a combination of inflation, rising expenses in care services, and long term reductions in funding from central government are to blame for the funding crisis.

Around £18m of the savings have been found so far, with cuts expected to libraries, community transport  energy bills.

The cuts will see the loss of  80 full-time jobs – 24 of which are currently vacant posts.

Kevin Small is the cabinet member for finance and has laid the blame at the door of the Conservative government.

He said: “I take no pleasure from having to propose a number of cuts this year, it’s sad that we’re in this position.”

Swindon is the latest council to announce it is facing serious financial problems. Both Bristol and Somerset are said to be in a similar position.

There will be a fully drafted budget brought to cabinet and the council in February, including proposals to increase council tax, which would take effect from April 2024.

