Leading tax expert joins South West accountancy firm

A leading tax expert has joined PKF Francis Clark as a partner in the firm’s growing corporate tax team.
Jonathan Riley is a former head of tax at Grant Thornton UK, where he was a partner for 27 years. He is also a trustee of the Chartered Institute of Taxation, a member of HM Treasury’s Forum of Tax Professionals and a former chair of the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group.
He said: “PKF Francis Clark is a firm that’s been on an impressive journey and the opportunity to be part of that is very attractive. I was already aware of the firm’s strength and history in the South West, but in considering joining the firm, what’s really impressed me is the quality of its people and clients.
“My skillset is ideally suited to the space PKF Francis Clark is operating in, having advised many owner-managed and private equity-backed businesses as well as larger, complex corporate clients. I believe in getting out and meeting people, engaging with clients and taking an interest in them and their ambitions, because that’s when you can really add value.”
Jonathan’s appointment further strengthens the senior leadership team at PKF Francis Clark’s Bristol office, which will mark the fifth anniversary of its opening this summer.
John Endacott, head of tax at PKF Francis Clark, said: “Jonathan is one of the premier heavyweight tax partners anywhere in the country. As well as bringing huge experience in advising large corporate clients on complex tax issues, Jonathan is a natural leader and will play a key role in helping to build and develop our growing corporate tax team in Bristol. We’re delighted he has joined us.”
Adding that he is looking forward to being involved in the training and development of the tax team, Jonathan said: “I enjoy working with people at an early stage in their career, setting them off on the right track and seeing them develop.
“The partners are passionate and ambitious for the business and want to be there for their people. The culture here is very much about empowering people to make a difference.”
Outside work, Jonathan’s interests include travel, cooking, photography, opera, cycling and running.