PR Mums consultancy launches to help women return to work

Nearly 50 UK agencies have backed the launch of PR Mums, a recruitment, community hub and events platform to support mothers in the industry who want to return to work.

PR Mums will be going live later this month, with the aim of equipping mothers with a practical and psychological pathway back into employment after maternity or childcare, enabling them to re-establish their pre-pregnancy career trajectory.

It is being led by Emma Padden and a board including Alexandra Heybourne (director, Freuds), Ali Maynard-James (managing partner, Manifest), Bethany Pearson (director, Grayling), Jessica Hope (CEO, Wimbart), Jo Vyvyan-Robinson (partner, Freuds), Nicola McKelvey (director, Freelance), Shilpa Saul (inclusive communications director, The Unmistakables).

They are joined by consultant psychologist Dr Claire Vowell who will help drive the consultancy and training to embed better policy and culture for returning parents.

PR Mums is supported by a roster of more than 35 agencies including Manifest, Grayling, Freuds, The Unmistakables, Wimbart, Idea Generation, Stonebridge PR, Rankin Creative, Aduro, AKT Health, blurred, Brazen, Brick, CC Group, CIJ Group, Clarion, Clarity, Don’t Cry Wolf, Fine Lines, Finn Partners, Flint, Folk, Four, Frank, Galibier, Good Shout, Hard Numbers, Hope & Glory, Hunt & Gather, Idea Farm, Kaizo, Performance PR, Phipps, Playtime PR, Portland, Pretty Green, Ready10, RDMR, Shephard Communications, Smoking Gun, Square in the Air, Taylor Herring, The PR Network, Wild Card and 72 Point among others and growing.

“PR Mums is not driven by a lofty and long-term vision, but instead by an immediate and urgent mission to address clear and present endemic industry challenges and to help increase number of women in senior and leadership positions. This is our first-year ambition, but we aim to expand beyond the industry and support all parents,” said Padden.

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