WMG business support programme exceeds expectations

WMG at the University of Warwick has celebrated the completion of its funded programme at the International Institute for Product and Service Innovation.

The programme had reached 1,400 West Midlands companies, with 207 projects completed and as a result 200 jobs had been either safeguarded or created in the region.

The SME team at WMG has also created four innovation-driven businesses, and generated additional revenue for SMEs to engage in further research with the institution.

A number of products have also been developed through the programme including a novel mudguard product – Mudhugger, ski locking system – Loqski with Barkley Plastics and an LED light which has been designed for high speed camera applications with Simpact Engineering.

The International Institute for Product and Service Innovation was part funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the University of Warwick to the value of £12.4m.

The programme also supported other manufacturers in the region including Pashley Cycles, Barton Coldform Ltd and the MAN group of companies.

Mark Swift, head of SME programmes at WMG, said: “It has been a delight and a privilege to work with so many forward thinking SMEs and help them move up their supply chains.

“We are now building our new initiatives with a focus on high value manufacturing to sustain the work we have been doing at IIPSI and to continue to give a technology-led competitive advantage to the nation’s small businesses.”
