Why getting sacked feels a lot like getting dumped

An employer will never say it’s not you, it’s me whilst giving you the sack, but there are several similarities including the shame and embarrassment of being let go. However, unlike the end of a relationship, being fired is irreversible and leaving your belongings there will not get you the job back.

1. Keep calm

It’s natural to feel like throwing office stationery at your soon-to-be ex-employer and revealing the extent of hatred you have always felt toward them, but if you’re ever to get another job you must remain calm and think of your future. Similarly your partner is unlikely to take you back if your pen is stuck in their eye.

2. Begging won’t help

Desperately trying to convince your employer that they’ve made a mistake is just as hopeless as pleading with an ex and will often have the opposite effect.

3. You feel hopeless

As humans we don’t like change, especially when its not on our terms, so at first you’ll feel sorry for yourself, maybe even have a cry about it. But after months, the memory of that embarrassing day when you weren’t sure how life could possibly go on, will fade and you’ll be able to move on with your life.

4. Make a change to yourself

After getting the sack or being dumped, you feel like you need to reinvent yourself in order to get your confidence back. This could include a new hair style, a new wardrobe or even a new outlook on life.

5. They will live to regret the day they lost you

You’ve convinced yourself that you could do a million times better than that job anyway and are determined to find success anywhere you can. Any job at all will do, just to pay the bills and show that you’re not a complete failure of a human. But this rebound job could in fact be the career you’ve always wanted, so don’t despair.

6. Reconsider your type

Just like when you’ve been dumped, you start to consider whether that job really was right for you anyway. Maybe when applying for another job, a different career path will suit you better.

7. Start over again

As you move on, the possibilities seem much greater than they used to and new opportunities are considered with an open mind. This one could be the One…
