5 foolproof ways to stay awake in meetings

Dull topics, monotonous voices, stuffy office atmosphere with more body odour than oxygen – what better place for a nap? When fighting with fatigue, boredom and dehydration in meetings, it can be very difficult to keep your eyes peeled. But consider this…maybe it’s not your eyes that need peeling after all.

1. Zing your senses to life

Peeling an orange in a meeting is by no means a normal thing to do but the aroma of citrus is proven to help you stay focused. Having an open orange present will also reduce anxiety and frustration.

Mint can improve your concentration too, so with mojitos out of the question, try popping some minty fresh gum in your mouth. With the smell of tea lingering on your breath, it’s hardly a bad idea.

2. Participate

Unless you’re a professional sleep talker, using your voice and engaging in conversation requires you to be awake so try to contribute to each meeting. Not only will speaking up demonstrate your value to the boss, but it will keep you involved as well.

If you are the boss and you’re sending yourself to sleep, perhaps reconsider the content of your meeting. 

3. Move

It doesn’t have to be star jumps or cartwheels…a little bit of fidgeting can make all the difference as it keeps the blood flowing. Swing your legs or turn in your chair to avoid heavy eyelids and a fatigued face.

4. Crack open the window

If you’re fortunate enough to have a window in the meeting room, get some air flowing through it. Warm, stuffy rooms cause the brain to fog, but fresh air and street noise will keep you alert.

5. Apply pressure

It may look frivolous, but snoring your way through a meeting will have much worse consequences. Tap your fingers on your forehead, massage the muscles between your thumb and index finger, rub the base of your skull or knead the spot below your knee.

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