How Can Technology Improve Productivity in Your Business?

Technology has changed the way business is done. Processes that once took days can now be automated and employees who work remotely (some 30% of us!) can now stay better connected with ease. In this article, we will look at how technology can improve productivity in your business. 

1. Automate Time-consuming Tasks 

Whether you need to streamline complex workflows or reduce the time it takes to complete your business accounts, technology ensures your time is well spent.

Whatever industry you work in, from marketing to operations, there are hundreds of business automation tools available to choose from. These tools are built to help your business run more efficiently. 

Tools such as time management software ensure productivity is maintained across your organisation, while accounting tools automate the process of sending, chasing, and paying invoices so that you can focus on the more important tasks. 

Technology takes care of these time-consuming tasks, increasing productivity in your business and greatly reducing the chance of human error. When tasks such as time management tracking and accounting are taken care of, you can focus on core tasks that help generate revenue and grow your business. 

2. Increased Engagement and Creativity 

Did you know that engaged employees are more productive? Research shows that engaged employees are 21% more productive than their disengaged counterparts. Engaged employees are an essential part of any workplace and digitised processes, communication methods, and software can help! 

“Ensuring your creative teams have access to the latest software and hardware is a constant challenge for any IT manager or business owner,” says Andy Close, Managing Director at Counterpoint. “It’s vital that your designers, artists and developers all have reliable access to industry-standard software for their Macs and iOS systems..” The happier and more engaged your employees are, the more emotionally committed they will be to your company. 

3. Boost Communication Efficiency 

How many times have you tried to get in touch with a colleague, but were unsuccessful? Sometimes, just trying to get in touch with someone can chew through so much time in your day. This reduces productivity and can be a huge waste of time. 

Thankfully, technology has made it easier than ever before to stay in touch with the people you want to. And as remote working continues in full force, with many businesses abandoning office work completely, staying connected is essential for continued productivity. 

According to Entrepreneur, “Technology has forever changed the business communication landscape […] Years ago, communication advanced with the introduction of desktop computers and email. Now we have mobile devices with far greater computing power to handle email while also participating in video conference calls with people on the other side of the world.” 

Whether it’s to schedule that meeting, ask a question, or simply check in, technology boosts communication efficiency. Communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and G Suite enable remote teams to work together, despite not being in the same physical location. What’s more, video conferencing apps like Google Meet and Zoom make it easy and convenient to schedule and host business meetings.

If you want to boost internal communication and, as a result, productivity, it’s time to invest in communication technologies. 

4. Allows for Strategic Planning 

If you want to increase the productivity of your team, you need to allow for strategic planning and time management. Thankfully, technology makes this easy! 

According to Forbes, “One way to let technology help is to just let it take charge of your schedule entirely. Calendar management-focused applications do the heavy lifting for you by presenting your schedule in easy-to-read designs that prevent your slate from getting overwhelming. A sloppy calendar makes it easier to lose track of your appointments and sabotages your schedule in the process.”  

Now you can schedule your time with applications such as Google Calendar. Tools like this integrate your meetings, reminders, and events with almost every other app you use, making your appointments accessible on any device, and improving productivity at work and home. 

5. Enhances Team Collaboration 

Collaboration is the key to business success. The more effectively your teams can work together, the more forward motion your business will enjoy. However, with whole teams now spread across multiple sites, remote working locations, and countries, collaboration has become a little more challenging. Thankfully, advancements in technology have allowed employers and employees alike to adapt to the changes. 

Technology has made it much easier for people to connect and work effectively together. Whether your team is based in the office, remotely, or a hybrid version of the two, dashboard tools such as Trello and Basecamp make it easy for everyone to stay on top of their tasks and collaborate effectively. 

When it comes to team collaboration, you want as few hurdles to jump as possible. Technology means that you can connect with who’s important at the click of a button and start collaborating in seconds. It couldn’t be simpler. 

Final Words 

As you can see, technology has a huge impact on business productivity. Whether you need to streamline your administrative tasks, boost team collaboration, or get more organised, technology helps you achieve this with fewer expenditures – both financially and time-wise.

We hope this article has encouraged you to invest in technology for the continued growth and success of your business.
